New Year’s Resolutions Anyone?

Well, here we are again at the beginning of January with the winter wonderland around us. It’s that time of year again, to review our goals or resolutions and see how well we did last year. I am one of those people who prefers to call them goals instead of resolutions. I feel like I do better with them if I keep them in that mindset.

My goals were to read and write more than I did in 2019. I apologize if yours were based more in reality and the pandemic special of 2020, wreaked havoc on many of those types of goals, I am sure.

Reading is an easy one to measure since I have been religiously tracking my reading habits on Goodreads since I finally made an account there. (Profile is:, if you want to add me). My books read in 2019 was a sad, 16 with many from the same author. I managed a respectable 55 this year from a much wider genre base. This year, I am planning to up this to 60 and hope I can squeeze in a few more. There are so many great books out there I am looking forward to.

Writing is harder to measure and requires me to be honest with myself about my goals. With the COVID pandemic forcing us into quarantine early this year, I did manage to create a quiet second space I can lock myself into with only Wattpad and my google docs to keep me focused on my writing. I won’t deny I have issues procrastinating and they usually involve wasting unnecessary time on Twitter and Pinterest. So for 2021, I want to write more but also more predictably. The goal is always everyday, so I will work towards that.

How did your goals for this year go? Were they writing or reading related?

Happy New Year 2020 (Somehow)

Somehow, we made it this far, after the chaos that was 2020. First, the pandemic hit the US in February and forced most of us into lockdowns by mid-March, while most recently, we watched Trump deny the legal declaration that he was no longer president. The sheer weight of 2020s history, will make it difficult for future generations to ever, completely comprehend it.

All Images courtesy of Pixababy.

There are many sites posting the full year of ‘most unexpected’ events of 2020, ( or ( though there are several out there.) Each contain unique takes on 2020, and the news stories they felt were the most important. I will follow up on the items I felt more strongly, than the rest. Not to imply any of these more important than the other but, for whatever my thoughts count for these days.

1 Death of Chadwick Boseman and BLM.

For someone who is not black but appreciates black culture, I feel like Chad and BLM go hand in hand. He was the epitome of beauty and grace in life and death. Black Panther was a testament to his spirit and I, personally, loved every minutes of it. Losing him, we lost part of our soul as a human race. He was also a constant statement to BLM and bringing equality to Hollywood as a whole. I was excited to see our country come together to demand change. I also really hope the dialogue continues into 2022. (Source:

2 – Australia faced devastating fires, then California joined them later

This was hard to watch this year and our heart heart for the destructive path, fire left behind.

We live within the typical higher snow area, and the current snow situation has me concerned for this year, as well. Unless we get dumped on in early 2021, we will all be in the same situation, with little snow runoff, and our years of willful denial of Science and pollution will create our just desserts. This one of many years, I am embarrassed to be American, since we reuse to acknowledge science.

3- Trump teargassed peaceful protesters, journalists, priests, and bystanders for a photo op with a bible.

This was, to me, the saddest example of Trump’s ignorance of how the American Justice System is meant to work. We complain about this exact thing when it happens in other countries but no one that could, held him responsible.

4 – People honest-to-god believed in a baseless conspiracy theory about Wayfair sex trafficking children through cabinets

Really? It was 2020 after all, and at least some of us were stuck inside and bored with our lockdowns. I have no words to express the epitome of ignorant that gave this any traction at all. Most days of the last 4 years, I have been embarrassed by Trump to claim I am American. Items like this obvious ignorance and unwillingness to accept reason, will always wear on my faith in us a nation.

5 – President Trump was first impeached and then, acquitted.

Another instance of wishing I could melt into a tree…There were sooooo many in his last four years.

6 – Discovered water on the moon and life on Mars.

Since I couldn’t do a list with only Trump embarrassment moments…This is also very exciting for all of us patiently waiting for flying cars and that premier hotel thing on the moon. Good job, guys!

7 – Macaulay Culkin turned 40. Because we all needed something to laugh about right?

Ha, ha, ha, sigh, OK I feel old. Really old.

8 – I really wanted more than 7, but some long works days cut into giving this post everything I wanted it to be.

Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. Lol.

Wishing you all, a wonderful Happy New Year. May it be full of love.

Merry Christmas

Ladies and Gentlemen!

What a year this 2020 has been, but I am always grateful for the Christmas Holiday. As a child, I never understood some parents asking children for socks as a Christmas gift until I became an adult. Well, maybe I can’t claim adulthood, but at least the age one usually reaches adulthood. Overnight my socks became a much bigger deal to me since my feet are so often cold, all. the. time. Even in the dead of summer, don’t ask me how, they don’t play by the rules. So this year I am thankful for receiving multiple rounds of those plush, mid-calf socks.

Santa was listening. To everyone else out there, I hope today was a great one.

β€œHe who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”

― Roy L. Smith

Illustration property of Pixababy.

Favorite Book of 2020

This work by K.F. Breene, surprised me. This was my first of hers, and quickly became an appreciation of the story. I was invested in Reagan as a bounty hunter and swiftly spent the next two books within this series, skipping sleep and my daily writing grind. Reagan is one of the strongest female characters we get to meet. Reagan called to me as a great example of fearless female heroine. She is proficient in weapons, fighting, shooting and her own breed of magic. In this book, we discover that beneath her bounty hunter appearance is an heir to Lucifer himself.

Her world building was beautiful. It was set in present day life but with areas of magical law enforcement that kept the magical community secret from the human population. I enjoyed that her version of werewolves shifters that turn into wolves are other prey animals at will. They are not ruled by the full moon. We also discover the existence of another realm attached to the brink (present day human world).

Reagan meets Darius after he intercepts her attempt to seize a mark rumored to be selling blood, though what kind we don’t discover for some time. A scuffle ensues and elder vampire, Darius, makes off with Reagan’s mark. Reagan eventually must work with the vampires to bring justice to a league of unicorns within their protection. The vampire creation elixir is made from it’s blood and a betrayer to the vampire life, is selling unicorn blood to mages to boost their magic, though temporarily.

The initial unicorn investigation and her unwillingness to reveal her true self to Darius, forces her near death and destroys her sword. While Darrius attempts to replace the sword using a Callie and Dizzy, Reagan discovers they knew her mother before she fled the public eye to keep Reagan safe from magical prying yes.

Reagan and Darius undercover a high powered mage, playing host to a powerful demon, had orchestrated the entire thing. The demon suspected Reagans true heritage and kidnaps Darius in an attempt to force her hand and work together with them. They underestimate the power within her, and she soon destroys his many followers and frees Darius with plenty of help from Callie and Dizzy.

I gave this book a 5/5 rating and highly recommend it for your next urban fantasy read

Veteran’s Day

A day of remembrance of all those who gave their lives to protect us. In light of this weekend, I spent some time in the military end of the books floating around and purchased Brandon Webb’s ‘Among Heroes’. He presents a snapshot of his time as a Navy Seal, but most specifically, about 8 friendships that shaped him as a person within the military.

A beautiful tribute to his fallen comrades, I really enjoyed getting to know them. It was equally humbling to receive that glimpse into their daily lives. I strongly recommend it for reading, but a fair warning that I cried several times throughout it.

I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all veterans on Veteran’s Day.

Feast of Fall

Oh, what it is fall but a chance to rest our weary selves before the plume of winter takes hold.

It is campfires and smores and my soul in sharp relief

It is our chance at self reflection, if we bothered to look.

It is the deep breath, if we but accept it within ourselves.

Fall isn’t a lifestyle it’s my religion,

It’s out here for all of us, if we only have courage.

How do you feel about Fall?

Book Review – The Way of Shadows – Brent Weeks

This was my first Brent Weeks novel and I have to say I was more than pleasantly surprised, I loved it. The world of Azoth and his Master Blint was a wonderful adventure. The plot lines were well woven and I quite enjoyed the ending His world building was slightly confusing with so many different governments happening at once . It did take me about 100 pages to become vested in Azoth as a character but after that, the pace picked up nicely.

I gave this book a 3/5 stars. There are abuse and rape mentioned in this book, FYI, in case it’s not your thing.

**Spoiler’s Below**

The book begins with our main character, Azoth, a drifter within the Warrens Cenaria City. He is in a guild and looks after a younger girl, Doll Girl, and a slightly older Jarl. Abused by one of the Guild Fists, and through several twists, has the chance to become an assassin’s apprentice to Durzo Blint, if he manages to kill the Fist, Rat, before the night is over. Rat mutilated Doll Girl’s face and agrees if Durzo promises to save her.

Durzo saves Doll Girl and Azoth kills Rat eventually, becoming the wanted apprenticeship, but Durzo refuses to let him see Doll Girl or any girl for that matter as they are denied loving relationships. They can be used against assassins as a weak spot. Azoth gets paid by Durzo and soon becomes Doll Girls unknown benefactor so she may join a family and grow up within a normal family. Azoth trains to be a killer, but is never able to summon his hidden magical ability. Eventually, Durzo stages Azoth’s death so everyone thinks he is dead, after the King attempts to blackmail Durzo into his service. He becomes Kylar.

Kylar leaves Durzo’s house to stay with Count Rimbold Drake, an old dear friend of Durzo’s. He also learns to read from Mamma K, the sister of Durzo’s long lost love, Vonda. Momma K is also a member of the Sa’kage, and manages every brothel in the city. Kylar is never. At Drake’s he learns to behave in society, hanging out with the young Logan Gure, they become good friends. Around this time, Jarl also make a come back and eventually works himself up to be Momma K’s right hand man.

While both Durzo and Kylar are searching for ways that might let him use his talent, rumor has it one exists, hidden within the City. Momma K tells them, there may be one within the palace walls. Without telling each other they were going, Kylar discovers the ka’kari first, and after touching it, it bonds with him. Only one bond can happen per ka’kar, until they die. Kylar is now able to summon his magical power. In the palace scuffle, the King’s prince is murdered by his mistress but she tries to blame both Durzo and Kylar.

About this time, Roth, a previous Guild Fist is making politicalk moves, with aimes to joinSa’kage. It requires a vote, leading him to Momma K’s establishment. He knows she has a daughter, fathered by Durzo that she never told anyone about. He blackmails her into helping him. He ultimately uses this fact to blackmail Durzo as well. Durzo is called upon the murder every living heir and member of the royal family. Roth ultimately brings war upon the City by allowing  Khalidor troops through security gates and over bridges, into the city and palace. The entire Gyre family is killed except for his father, who was already assigned to a certain battle zone, while Logan is unwillingly forced to marry the King’s daughter, Jenine, for the good of the kingdom.

That night in the palace, through Roth, Durzo poisons the meat that everyone eats for dinner. Shortly after the remaining royal members die, Logan and Jenine are all that’s left. Roth hunts them down, murders Jenine, but leaves Logan alive so he can be fed to the Maw, a cannibalistic pit of the prisons. After Roth’s departure, Neph, his witch, secretly save Jenine with plans to add her to the GodKing’s already large collection of wives.

With Kylar’s help, Jarl attempts to hire a guard that would locate Logan and help him escape the palace. The shear number of witches, he is killed and Logan with no where else to hide and witches searching for him, chooses to enter the cannibal den. armed only with a knife and the key to the door. Kylar and Durzo are fiorced to fight each other, Kylar must kills Durzo for his own Black Kakari, it must go to Roth to save Durzo’s duaghter. After quite the battle, Kylar finally bests him, fully assuming the roll of the Night Angel,, the Avatar of Justice, which had been

With Kylar’s help, Jarl attempts to hire a guard that would locate Logan and help him escape the palace. The shear number of witches, he is killed and Logan with no where else to hide and witches searching for him, chooses to enter the cannibal den. armed only with a knife and the key to the door. Kylar and Durzo are forced to fight each other, Kylar must kills Durzo for his own Black Kakari, it must go to Roth to save Durzo’s daughter. After quite the battle, Kylar finally bests him, fully assuming the roll of the Night Angel,, the Avatar of Justice, which had been Durzo.

He returns to the palace to find Logan and kill Roth. Unfortunately, within the Maw ,all he finds at the prison is blood and assumes Logan is dead. He does find Elene and Uly (Durzo and Momma K’s daughter), and releases them to escape. Killing Roth proves to be a difficult task as he is guarded by a room with plenty of soldiers and witches. Eventually, he kills them all and Roth but dies himself as well. IN death, he meets a figure called the Wolf. He is given the choice of heaven or hell OR an Immortal life. He chooses to return to life and escapes the palace. The Godking still took control of the country, forcing Elene, Kylar and Uly to flee together.

Happy Father’s Day

Father’s Day has many different forms of celebration through time and by country. The US and a cluster of countries, observes a celebration of fatherhood on the third Sunday of June, while the rest of the world celebrates as early as February and as late as December 26th. It all depends on local custom and religion.

While I don’t personally have the best relationship with my own father, I can be grateful for other father figures that were there. My grandfather and uncle proved that unconditional love was possible at their hands. On this day, I would like to thank them as well as any other fathers or father figures out there doing your best. Don’t worry if it’s not perfect, just keep trying and that’s all we can do.

Coronavirus has created new ways of life for us all. but together, we will make it through.

Book Review – Shadow and Bone – Leigh Bardugo

Another new Author for me this week with Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone, first book in The Shadow and Bone Trilogy. It appears I will be an avid reader of her work soon, her pace and word choice had me hooked in the first 8 pages. The world building was also well executed. I gave this book a 4/5 rating and intend to continue through the rest of the trilogy.

**Alert** Spoiler Alerts Below

I saw certain of people calling the main character and overall plot cliche, I personally related to her awkwardness, lonely childhood. I was also very fascinated by the magical system, and the plot of saving the world stood out for me among other issue with love triangles or whatnot.

In this first book, we are introduced to the country of Ravka with a dark past. The magical people in this world are called Grisha and are tested early in childhood to see if they display magical abilities. If they show abilities, they are sent to a particular school to hone their abilities. This magic system is based on them being capable of manipulating elements (air, water, fire, etc.).

They are also plagued by the Shadow Fold. A place of darkness with terrifying creatures that prowl the depths. Alina Starkov, our main character for this book, is an orphan and part of a regiment walking into the Shadow Fold. It separates Ravka from the sea and they must traverse it on a regular basis to receive shipments from other nations. The skiff Alina is stationed in is outfitted with a confutation of Grisha and warriors and attacked by Volcra shortly into their attempt across the Unsea.

During the attack, her best friend is injured and watching him almost die triggers her own rare Grisha mastery, the ability to summon Light. Her unknown summoning saves her friend and everyone else on the boat as it gives them a chance to escape back to shore. The volcra can’t withstand her light and fall back.

The Leader of the Grisha, The Second Army, takes control of her at this moment, forcing her to traverse back to their capital and well defended city, Os Alta and she is separated from Mal, her orphanage friend. While there, she is added to the school for training with the rest of the Grisha students. The Darkling attempts to seduce her, but one of her teachers, Baghra, inform her of a plot of deception by the Darkling to control her great power by use of a fabled amplifier.

With Baghra’s help, she is able to flea the castle grounds and flees west. Meanwhile, the Darkling sends her regiments of the army after her to bring her back. While she is fleeing, she is spotted by the Army and while running for her life, her and Ma, an exceptional tracker, l are reunited after many months apart. They discover he was tracking an ancient stag that would be her amplifier from the Darkling. They decide to track it together to beat the Darkling’s militia from killing it first.

During the long trek, they finally admit they love each other and Mal fienes this famous stag for her to kill. When they approach, she can’t end his life and grants him mercy. The Darkling and his forces appear, and he takes the stag as his own. They fashion a collar for the amplifier and she becomes enslaved to his will. After a long journey back, he forces her and Mal back into the Shadow Fold, forces her to keep the Volra at bay while he extends the death and destruction of the fold into further into other countries. The border towns are wiped form the map as his strategically placed ambassadors on the boat, what this.

His attempt to take control of not only Rakva but the neighboring nations with fear manipulation is slightly thwarted as Alina finally realizes her mercy for the stag’s life gives her claim to the amplifier. The Darkling throws Mal overboard into the Volcra, Alina breaks free and they escape together as she destroys the boat and they flee.

I definitely recommend this book for reading and excited to continue the rest of the series.