October 11 – Native American Day

Native American Day, observed annually on the second Monday in October, celebrates the cultures and contributions of the many Native American tribes. While it is not celebrated in all 50 states, it is recognized in both California and South Dakota and gaining popularity in the rest of the nation.

While it is not celebrated in all 50 states, it is recognized in both California and South Dakota and gaining popularity in the rest of the nation. In other parts of the country, Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrations occur on this day. Events such as traditional dances, art displays and ceremonies have begun to replace Columbus Day practices.

The observance focuses on celebrating the culture, heritage, and history of tribes across the nation. Each diverse nation carries its own traditions, rituals, and beliefs. The day celebrates their knowledge, contributions and enriching heritage. It’s also a reminder of their enduring legacy of strength, energy, and fortitude. “

Happy Native American Day!

Anniversary Of A Life Well Lived

I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since her death. Partly because the hole that came from that loss never gets smaller. We are never in less pain, we just get better at moving forward with it there. We find a new normal. I usually commemorate her death and birthday with her favorite drinks. She was a run slush and wine cooler pro.

This week at the grocery store, we passed by a brand of roll up snack that she used to pack in our lunches. Had to snag them for the occasion, because why not? They go well with rum, so you should try these! They still look the same after 12 years too. I hope she is out there somewhere getting into all sorts of mischief.

Veteran’s Day

A day of remembrance of all those who gave their lives to protect us. In light of this weekend, I spent some time in the military end of the books floating around and purchased Brandon Webb’s ‘Among Heroes’. He presents a snapshot of his time as a Navy Seal, but most specifically, about 8 friendships that shaped him as a person within the military.

A beautiful tribute to his fallen comrades, I really enjoyed getting to know them. It was equally humbling to receive that glimpse into their daily lives. I strongly recommend it for reading, but a fair warning that I cried several times throughout it.

I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all veterans on Veteran’s Day.