October 4 – World Day of Bullying Prevention

“The first Monday of every October is World Day of Bullying Prevention™! On this day students, schools, and communities all over the world go BLUE together against bullying. It also kicks off National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month every October.”

I love this cause and what it stands for, bullying prevention. It would be a wonderful thing is we all learned how to be tolerant of each other, right? Can you imagine that world? It is a beautiful place. When I was in high school, my sick mother would come with us to the grocery store. Even know I have a huge chip on my shoulder for the act of bullying and the snap second judgement of our fellow humans, that comes with it. My mother couldn’t walk or talk well near the end of her fight with HD, and she was confined to the house most days, unable to drive herself. The amount of impatience and general hostility for bringing her with us was hard to watch, until I started enlightening people. These trips were once a month and her only chance at the old routine she had before being sick. I am always disappointed when I see this but I know we can do better. Some where in there is the capacity to have compassion for our fellow humans, instead of judgement.

August 21: Poet’s Day

I feel that poetry is grossly under utilized by our population, The top of my list will always have Silvia Plath, but I am discovery new favorites all the time. For me, poetry just gets under my skin and eats away at the underneath. Do you have a favorite poet?

1- Poets are the sense, philosophers the intelligence of humanity. ~Samuel Beckett

2 – You must have a certain amount of maturity to be a poet. Seldom do sixteen-year-olds know themselves well enough. ~Erica Jong

3 – Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity. ~William Wordsworth

4 – I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is prose; words in their best order; – poetry; the best words in the best order. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

5 – If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. –Emily Dickinson

6 – Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. ~Edgar Allan Poe

7 – “t is a test [that] genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. — T. S. Eliot, from the essay “Dante.”


August 2: Dinosaurs Day

Dinosaurs Day is celebrated annually on August 2ndDinosaurs first appeared around 240 million years ago. It’s still a bit of a mystery why and how dinosaurs became extinct. Dinosaurs Day is the day to remember humans weren’t always the rulers of the planet.”

I have always been fascinated by Dinosaurs and obviously T-Rex. I love the Jurassic Park series and sadly I’d be one of those people that would sign up to see them for real. Do you have a favorite Dinosaur?

July 25: National Wine and Cheese Day

On July 25th, we celebrate the ultimate pairing of wine and cheeseNational Wine and Cheese Day provides an opportunity to sample some of our favorites. The pairing of wines and cheese has been a regionalized tradition. Across wine-producing cultures, many pair their regional wines with local cheeses.”


Wine and cheease are two of my favorite foods and this day is a no brainer for me. LOL. I. MUST. CELEBRATE… We spend a lot of time celebrating new options for both of these but we usually end up around a Gewürztraminer wine and Parmigiano-Reggiano Italian cheese. Will you be celebrating today?

Book Review – Taken (The Harvest Series 1) – M.A. Church

This was my first M.A. Church book. This is the first of the series set in a Sci Fi world and Earth. I did have issues with the plot and main character for this book, which I will explain below. I had to give this a 2/5 for those reasons even though it did appear they put effort into the more technical sides of space and planets. I just can’t recommend this one to anyone.

**Spoiler Alert**

We meet our main character, Dale, in the beginning as he is being abducted from his home for a program called: The Harvest. It is a bond between the Alien race’s people and Earth’s governments, to collect mates from the population. It’s meant to help the alien’s dying race become viable again. Dale becomes the “chosen mate” of Captain Keyno Landium Shou of a Tah’Narian starship. Human’s are implanted with the Alien’s DNA, allowing them to bear their children.

After this, it’s expected that Dale will simply be OK with this, after being kidnapped from everything he loves on Earth. He won’t be allowed to return. To Dale’s credit, he does put up a ‘bit’ of a fight, as would be expected in this situation. I think I would find it impossible to feel anything but hate for the thing that did that to me, but Dale ad Kenyo end up in a relationship way too quickly, or at all. I just didn’t like this aspect of the plot. Kidnappees expected to be mates of their kidnappers. Too stockholmy for me.

If you can get past the plot points of the kidnap situation, you may enjoy this. Good luck.

Strawberry Chocolate Chip Grain-Free Cookies

I discovered a new strawberry recipe this weekend. I used Pillsbury gluten Free flour mix and was not disappointed. I follow “California Strawberries” recipe page because I am obsolesced with Strawberries, so I bake with them a lot. I ran out of vanilla extract and had to swap to almond extract, halfway through, but I thought they still turned out awesome. Go make these now, you will thank me.

GM Photos
GM Photos

My TBR for July, National Ice Cream Month

In honor of National Ice Cream Month, I have added some ice cream reads to be reading list, this month. However, closest to the top of this is the newest addition to K.F. Breene‘s, Installment 9 of her DDVN world. See my review of the first in the series here. This is one of my all-time favorite series, since I am such a Reagan fan. Read on to see the rest of my plans for this month.

1 Revealed in Fire (book #9) – K.F. Breene – Releases July 2nd, and this is all I will be doing once its in my kindle.

Good Reads

“Reagan’s trip down to the underworld was never going to remain a mystery. And now Lucifer is actively looking for the woman and her vampire cohort that raised hell in his domaine.

When a band of demons come to the surface with a note asking after Lucifer’s heir, the truth of Reagan’s true lineage can no longer be hidden.

The problem is, the elves remember Lucifer’s past heir, and how he nearly took down the Realm. This time, they do not intend to stand by while Lucifer finds his heir and raises her to power. This time, they’ll cut the problem out at the root.

Reagan went from a nobody in NOLA, to the most wanted woman in all the worlds. It’s time for her to own who and what she is. It’s time for her to fight back.”

2 – Never on a Sundae – by Wendy Markham, Lynn Messina, Daniella Brodsky

“It’s the best spot in Manhattan for a sinfully delicious ice cream sundae. And it’s where three young women come to soothe their troubles and treat themselves to a little taste of heaven. Lucky in friendship, not always so lucky in love, these women know that just a few spoonfuls of ice cream can sweeten everything from a date gone sour to a workday from hell. But before they can say “extra whipped cream,” they’re going to discover that there’s more to life than hot fudge-and that making their dreams come true is the real cherry on top”

3 – Say Yes Summer -Lindsey Roth Culli

For as long as Rachel Brooks can remember, she’s had capital-G Goals: straight As, academic scholarship, college of her dreams. And it’s all paid off–after years of following the rules and acing every exam, Rachel is graduating at the top of her class and ready to celebrate by . . . doing absolutely nothing. Because Rachel Brooks has spent most of high school saying no. No to dances, no to parties, and most especially, no to boys.

Now, for the first time in her life, there’s nothing stopping Rachel from having a little fun–nothing, that is, except herself. So when she stumbles on a beat up old self-help book–A SEASON OF YES!–a crazy idea pops into her head: What if she just said yes to . . . everything?”

4 – A Parfait Murder – Wendy Lyn Watson

“When Tally’s cousin Bree spots her deadbeat ex-husband strolling the Lantana County Fair with a fat wallet and a vixen on his arm, she immediately files for back child support. But when his lawyer is found dead, things get a little sticky. Did Bree serve up a dish of cold, sweet revenge? Or is she another hapless victim of a parfait crime?”

What’s on your TBR for July?

The Best Ever Super Moist Gluten Free Banana Bread

Tried this gem today and I have a new favorite! It was amazing. I used Pillsbury gluten Free flour mix and was not disappointed. I follow “Gimme Delicious” recipe page for awesome options, but this is by far, the best I have tried of their stuff. We measure chocolate chips with our heart.

Gail Marie Photos
Gail Marie Photos

Book Review – The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld 1) – by Gena Showalter

This was my first Gena Showalter book. I know I am in the minority of this opinion, but I couldn’t handle this book. Her characters were alight with the exception of Ashlyn, who was one of the most irritating female characters for me. The plot without the interference of the romance, was actually interesting and the only reason I actually made it the end. The plot with the romance was several romance tropes in one book, that really drug this down. I gave this book a 1/5.

**Spoilers Below**

I struggled to finish it, but since I paid for it, I felt required to just to see if magic happened, but alas, no magic! I really wanted to love the book, given the premise it is based on and the Pandora’s box aspect. The plot and characters made that impossible. Our hero, Maddox, was part of a regime of ancient god warriors that were jealous that Pandora was selected to guard a special box. This box held some of the worst monsters to walk the earth, and could not be kept, even in Hell. To punish them for not choosing them, they deceived Pandora and opened the box, freeing a wash of destruction on the earth. As punishment for their sins, they were forced to each house a demon from the box they opened in spurned pride. Then we meet Ashlyn, who (unbeknownst to her) works for a Hunter’s company and finds their fortress tucked into the hills. She plans to ask for help them for help with her ability to hear voices, and conversations from all points in time.

I struggled with both Maddox and Ashlyn instant need to bone as well as their declaration of ‘love’ after a few days of knowing each other. It seemed way to fast, even for the romance genre. With Ashlyn being a virgin as well, how would she even know what love is? Ashlynn made this very difficult to enjoy with her inability to be anything but a damsel in distress. I also had issues with the fact that Maddox fed Ashlynn Immortals version of alcohol, which obviously made her sick, and managed to fix it by giving her Tylenol? There were some other plot holes along this vein throughout.

I’m sorry I just couldn’t get into this and will not be continuing the series.

Merry Christmas

Ladies and Gentlemen!

What a year this 2020 has been, but I am always grateful for the Christmas Holiday. As a child, I never understood some parents asking children for socks as a Christmas gift until I became an adult. Well, maybe I can’t claim adulthood, but at least the age one usually reaches adulthood. Overnight my socks became a much bigger deal to me since my feet are so often cold, all. the. time. Even in the dead of summer, don’t ask me how, they don’t play by the rules. So this year I am thankful for receiving multiple rounds of those plush, mid-calf socks.

Santa was listening. To everyone else out there, I hope today was a great one.

“He who has not Christmas in his heart will never find it under a tree.”

― Roy L. Smith

Illustration property of Pixababy.