Word of the Week – Sept 20 – Rudeneja

Here is my’word of the week’, to learn new words and give myself writing prompt opportunities This week is ‘Rudeneja’



The summer leaves green tint,
Glow in their red and yellow glory,
The meadows run a golden sprint,
We retreat into our yearly history.

Our favorite fall harvests tinge the air,
While the seasonal mists drift in.
The summer blossoms laid bare,
All leave me with a jubilant zen.

Every year, I countdown the days,
Awaiting the culmination of Summer’s due,
When shy fall, finally, shows her face,
And we witness her true virtues.


Autumnal Equinox September 22

Autumnal equinox(about September 22): day and night of equal length, marking the start of autumn. The first day of Fall! Yay! For some of us, Fall and Halloween are celebrated all year long. How will you get your fall on?

Summer’s End
The summer lark,
Stakes claim to a wooden pale,
And then night screams out its name,
As though it had never been. (GM)

Gail Marie Photo

September 14 – National Live Creative Day

“On September 14th, National Live Creative Day encourages us to let the world see our creativity all day long!

To Live Creative allows for the exploration of imagination.  Celebrate the day by taking the time to invent, discover, and dream. Try infusing creativity in our lives through a variety of media. Whether it’s by painting or graphic art to music and gardening, art has an impact on our lives. By expressing our passions and living creative lives, we experience the world.

Stepping into the Live Creative world includes a tremendous sense of freedom. Rules tend to fall away when we unleash our imagination. Of course, authors and artists have long suspended reality in support of their work, to the satisfaction of their vision. They live creative.”

Some favorites of my own photos. Here’s to hoping you live creatively today!

Feast of Fall

Oh, what it is fall but a chance to rest our weary selves before the plume of winter takes hold.

It is campfires and smores and my soul in sharp relief

It is our chance at self reflection, if we bothered to look.

It is the deep breath, if we but accept it within ourselves.

Fall isn’t a lifestyle it’s my religion,

It’s out here for all of us, if we only have courage.

How do you feel about Fall?

Fall – My Favorite

I am sure there are plenty of us that agree, but I LOVE the fall colors. The time of fall will always hold a special place in my heart. Partly because it is the deep breath before winter roots us in our dens for 9 months. The color chorus that bleeds into life, it’s almost not of this earth – an alien presence. I am helpless to it’s call and fall helplessly in line, a stillness – a beautiful contentedness, creeps into my soul.

The bright green of summer transforms into orange, gold and red epiphanies. We must all stop and stare before they, too, fall asleep.