October 11 – Native American Day

Native American Day, observed annually on the second Monday in October, celebrates the cultures and contributions of the many Native American tribes. While it is not celebrated in all 50 states, it is recognized in both California and South Dakota and gaining popularity in the rest of the nation.

While it is not celebrated in all 50 states, it is recognized in both California and South Dakota and gaining popularity in the rest of the nation. In other parts of the country, Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebrations occur on this day. Events such as traditional dances, art displays and ceremonies have begun to replace Columbus Day practices.

The observance focuses on celebrating the culture, heritage, and history of tribes across the nation. Each diverse nation carries its own traditions, rituals, and beliefs. The day celebrates their knowledge, contributions and enriching heritage. It’s also a reminder of their enduring legacy of strength, energy, and fortitude. “

Happy Native American Day!

September 6 – Happy Labor Day

Labor Day is a federal holiday in the United States celebrated on the first Monday in September to honor and recognize the American labor movement and the works and contributions of laborers to the development and achievements of the United States.[1][2][3] It is the Monday of the long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend.

Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labor movements grew, trade unionists proposed that a day be set aside to celebrate labor. “Labor Day” was promoted by the Central Labor Union and the Knights of Labor, which organized the first parade in New York City. In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday in 1894, thirty states in the United States officially celebrated Labor Day.”

How will you celebrate? I know we will be rocking the BBQ spirit this weekend. Wishing you all a safe holiday weekend!

August 26: National Women’s Equality Day

“Bella Abzug (D-NY), in 1971 and passed in 1973, the U.S. Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day.” The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 certification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, granting women the right to vote.”


This photo is my favorite since she was the Face of the Star Trek resistance but also of our every day lives. She was the best of us and I will miss her honesty and humility. We must stand up for ourselves as she did and strive to leave this place better than we found it. For the future generations, we must make ourselves heard.

August 21: Poet’s Day

I feel that poetry is grossly under utilized by our population, The top of my list will always have Silvia Plath, but I am discovery new favorites all the time. For me, poetry just gets under my skin and eats away at the underneath. Do you have a favorite poet?

1- Poets are the sense, philosophers the intelligence of humanity. ~Samuel Beckett

2 – You must have a certain amount of maturity to be a poet. Seldom do sixteen-year-olds know themselves well enough. ~Erica Jong

3 – Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity. ~William Wordsworth

4 – I wish our clever young poets would remember my homely definitions of prose and poetry; that is prose; words in their best order; – poetry; the best words in the best order. ~Samuel Taylor Coleridge

5 – If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry. –Emily Dickinson

6 – Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words. ~Edgar Allan Poe

7 – “t is a test [that] genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood. — T. S. Eliot, from the essay “Dante.”


August 2: Dinosaurs Day

Dinosaurs Day is celebrated annually on August 2ndDinosaurs first appeared around 240 million years ago. It’s still a bit of a mystery why and how dinosaurs became extinct. Dinosaurs Day is the day to remember humans weren’t always the rulers of the planet.”

I have always been fascinated by Dinosaurs and obviously T-Rex. I love the Jurassic Park series and sadly I’d be one of those people that would sign up to see them for real. Do you have a favorite Dinosaur?

July 25: National Wine and Cheese Day

On July 25th, we celebrate the ultimate pairing of wine and cheeseNational Wine and Cheese Day provides an opportunity to sample some of our favorites. The pairing of wines and cheese has been a regionalized tradition. Across wine-producing cultures, many pair their regional wines with local cheeses.”


Wine and cheease are two of my favorite foods and this day is a no brainer for me. LOL. I. MUST. CELEBRATE… We spend a lot of time celebrating new options for both of these but we usually end up around a Gewürztraminer wine and Parmigiano-Reggiano Italian cheese. Will you be celebrating today?

July 8: National Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day (SCUD)

“Annually on July 8, people across the country celebrate National Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day, also known as National SCUD Day.  This day was created as a day to put aside any and all of the drama in your life and learning more about working and living with humor and laughter and living in drama-free zones.  Today, step back and enjoy relaxation and humor and then watch the physical and mental benefits that you will receive from it.”

I like the idea of today, since we could all spend more time focused on the laughter and joy in our lives. Calvin and Hobbes were an innate part of my childhood and adulthood. They are beauty and perspective on the world together. If you haven’t read them, please go peruse them today. You won’t be disappointed. They would be perfect for your SCUD day, if you plan to participate!


National Chocolate Ice Cream Day – June 7th


I learned something new this year with the day of June 7th. Since ice cream is it’s own food group for me, of course I must celebrate! Getting in that chocolate goodness that always puts a smile on our faces! I have a recommendation for you wayward travelers – should you choose to celebrate as well. I promise you will not be disappointed.

I once traveled to Wisconsin to explore and the find of my life occurred in a Chocolate Shop with their ice cream. Their Zanzabar chocolate ice cream s the pinnacle of human achievement, in my biased opinion. It is the perfect amount of rich and chocolate. I don’t put Hershey’s on mine since it will never need it. If you haven’t tried it, go now, there’s no time to waste. You’re welcome.

Zanzibar Chocolate Website

Earth Day

Earth day for this year, has an interesting flavor to it. We have had devastating wildfires. floods, rising seawater levels, and one of the worst hurricane seasons on record, I know I am missing some things in there, but we at least have the highlights. I would hope last year was a wake up call for everyone who refuses to believe there are repercussions for the way we treat the earth. Everyday, I am afraid it will be the day, we dissolve into a Mad Max version of the world.

Photo Courtesy of Pixabay

I was an exchange student in Germany many years ago, but I was impressed by their countrywide recycling program. It left a lasting impression on me and even though I live in a small town without recycling drop off locations, we bin each category up and drive to drop them off. We try to empty bins out once a month, but sometimes long or hard winters make that harder. It’s a good excuse for us to grab some good sushi at the same time. I strongly recommend setting up a binning system in the house or garage, if you plan to try it out. If you wait until you’re on site to separate, you’ll be pulling your hair out before the end.

Aside from recycling, as part of the Earth Day general initiative, here are some things we can all focus on today and the rest of the year:

  1. Analyze your personal impact on the planet. As you start to consider Earth Day activities for work or at home, start by taking a long, hard look at your current energy usage. There may be some simple ways that you can create a more sustainable lifestyle.
  2. Be an advocate. Write letters to local politicians to voice your support for environmental causes. Sign online and offline petitions that support the environmental needs of your local community and the world as a whole.
  3. Lend a hand to a local eco-friendly charity. Volunteer your time to help support local efforts to protect the environment. They may need people to staff tables at events, manual labor during planned Earth Day activities, or other support.
  4. Sign up for a class. There are lots of local Earth Day activities for adults that feature classes on recycling, gardening, composting, and more. Check with local environmental organizations to see what is available in your area.
  5. Plant a tree. While this seems one of the simplest Earth Day project ideas, the act of planting a tree has so many benefits. You’re creating a new habitat for wildlife, helping to clean the air, and replacing resources that have been used.
  6. Start a garden. Gardening has lots of benefits that help to give back to the earth. Adding gardening to Earth Day activities for adults will help you to clean the air, eat sustainably, and even help reduce erosion.
  7. Have a dinner party. Invite your friends over and serve local, organic foods for a delicious, nutritious meal that features sustainable, healthy options while you chat about Earth Day activities. For work, you can have a potluck lunch, with the rule that everyone’s dish must be farm-to-table food.
  8. Join a cleanup. There are lots of Earth Day activities that involve cleaning up parks, beaches, river and stream banks, and more.
  9. Go on a hike. Spend some time simply getting outdoors and remembering why it’s so important to celebrate Earth Day and protect our world.
  10. Donate art or craft projects. Create Earth Day-inspired arts and crafts, then donate your efforts to local events to help raise funds for eco-conscious activities.
  11. Clean out a closet. Everyone has some usable items lying around that have been forgotten. Clean out a closet and donate gently used things to local charities to give them new life.
  12. Go dark for a day. Commit to unplugging from electronics and all non-essential appliances and devices for a day. Get back to basics and participate in some Earth Day activities that are completely environmentally friendly.
  13. Change your light bulbs. While changing a light bulb doesn’t sound like one of the most exciting Earth Day activities for adults, switching to CFL or LED lighting options can have a great impact on energy use.
  14. Patronize local sustainable businesses. Support the businesses who are supporting our earth. Research the environmental practices of local companies, and spread the word in your community about the ones which truly give back to the environment.
  15. Develop a company initiative. While one day of Earth Day activities for work is a start, think a little bigger. Create a recycling program, look for opportunities to reduce power consumption, or come up with other ways that can reduce your company’s carbon footprint all year long.
  16. Build a home or work recycling center. Organize your garbage disposal area to easily sort recycling as one of your Earth Day activities. For work, get permission to purchase the supplies needed to create a recycling station, and encourage coworkers to participate.
  17. Find a festival. Many communities host Earth Day festivals and activities. These events can be a great source of fun — plus give you lots of wonderful Earth Day project ideas.
  18. Educate yourself. Read a book, subscribe to a blog, watch a documentary, or attend a seminar that will help to educate you on environmental issues on which you aren’t up to speed.
  19. Go solar. Though converting your entire home to solar power might not be an affordable endeavor, changing outdoor lighting to solar options or purchasing a solar charger for your phone or other handheld electronics can make a small dent in your energy consumption.
  20. Organize a carpool. Carpooling is one of the best Earth Day activities. For work, errands, shopping trips and more, choosing to ride with a friend to reduce vehicle emissions and fuel consumption has benefits that add up quickly.
  21. Cut back on plastic. Walk around your home and see what kind of disposable plastics you are using and where they can be replaced with reusable options, then go out and purchase reusable water bottles, grocery bags and other containers while recycling the more wasteful options.
  22. Challenge your friends. Do your part to get your friends involved in Earth Day activities by issuing a challenge. Extend it for weeks, months and even through the year to see who can accomplish the most to give back to the planet. (Courtesy of Constellation)

I hope you all have a wonderful Earth Day.

The Inauguration To Save Democracy

Images courtesy of Pixababy.

The inauguration this week, brought along a final pivotal moment for the transition of power in the White House. It would seem decency finally prevailed. Trump and Cruz and Hawley, still require the end fitting their crimes. Trump deserves the impeachment and will continue to be a security threat, if he receives the intelligence briefings that come with his office. For all of his grievances against the country, he also belongs in jail. Then, expel Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley from the Senate, then we will have a fresh start.

Joe Biden seemed to do more in one week then Trump did in 4 years and knocking out of the park. Grateful that we can get back to being climate conscious and taking the virus seriously. Him and Kamala Harris encapsulate the word classy.