BOOK REVIEW – The Fallen (Hades Castle Trilogy Book 1) – C.N. Crawford

This was my first C.N. Crawford book. Set in an Angel’s and Demons fantasy world, this was a notable tale of Lila in the town of Dovren. It is the first in a trilogy series. I really loved Lila as the main character as her skills were a nice surprise for her plan to murder the Town Count, who also happens to be a fallen angel. I liked the interplay between Lila and, Count Saklas. I thought her characters were well defined and the plot built to a burst ending. I gave this a 3.5/5 rating. If you haven’t read this, it is worth a look and can be checked out on KU.

**Spoiler Alert**

Lila was born in Dovren, but the woman who raised her wasn’t her real mother. Raised with a sister, they taught themselves to fight and defend themselves. Lila began working as a thief at 7, for a local smuggling ring. Her stand in mother racked up lots of debt to pay for her Gin addiction. The collectors set out to find Lila and mutilate her to incentivize her mother to pay them back. While she manages to escape into the upstairs portion of their club by trading places with her courtesan friend, Zahra. Her first customer happens to be Count Sarkas, himself, and he is looking for her. He purchase her services to live at the local castle and be his courtesan for an obscene yearly wages.

When she moves into the castle she becomes stuck between the angels and the Free Men of the city. Claiming to want independence from the angels and create their own country, they identify themselves by a cuff link symbol. They claim the angels are planning to wipe out the mortals but things aren’t as they seem. They try to employ Lila to seduce Sarkas, which makes him mortal for a time, and strap a bomb to his rooms in the castle. She must work through what’s real after her childhood friend betrays her. The future of the realm stands in the balance between the Free Men and the Fallen Angels.

Book Review-Poetry Collection – the words i wish i said – caitlin kelly

This was my first poetry book by caitlin kelly. Set on the premise of loss and learning to move on. I had a hard time connecting with much of this though there were a few poems that stood out to me. I felt like the titles for the chapters didn’t necessarily correlate with the poems in each section since similar poems in chapter 1 were in other chapters. I didn’t understand how she split those up in her head. The afterward includes comments about this meaning to be learning self-love, but I couldn’t find any of that within these pages. I had to rate this as a 2/5. This was aimed at a younger audience than me and my jaded view of the world… Also there were some typos throughout.

BOOK REVIEW – My Luck (Twisted Luck Book 1) – BY Mel Todd

This was first Mel Todd book. This was set in an urban fantasy world. This was a delight to read and did have me fully vested in the story after the first chapter. The main character, Cori, was a wonderful story focus. The remaining characters were great additions. At this time, this is the first book of a four book series. This is packed with zigzags throughout and I will be reading the next installment soon. I gave this a 4/5 rating. You should give this a try, you won’t regret it.

**Spoiler Alert**

We meet our main character, Cori, in a small Georgia town, where she works as at a coffee shop. She isn’t magical, though 50% of the population is, but she does have a horrible knack for finding dead bodies. Her latest one, happens to have a piece of paper is his pocket with her name on it. Ostracized from her parents after the freak death of her brother, she’s in school to become an EMT. So soon, she can help save the people that keep dying around her. Cori Catastrophe.

Working through her EMT education requires her to be internships at various hospitals but she also manages one with the local police department to help pay for school costs. Eventually, her best friend Jo emergences into an Arch Mage nd her family cuts ties for good, selling their house. Despite her family’s departure, she has been adopted by Jo’s family for the last 8 years. Her and Jo have an inseparable bond of friendship and plan to attend college together after the current semester.

Tori receives all of her certifications with the highest score in her class. This will make her journey to follow Jo to a Atlanta possible. She will be able to obtain a job that pays the bills. I really love the main system for this book and the intricate weaves of the various orders and classifications. On to book 2…

Darkness Settles: This Is My Rebirth – Excerpt From Poetry Collection

My debut collection was released yesterday on Amazon (Ebook & Paperback), Kobo (Ebook) , and Barnes & Noble (Ebook). This is a short, but I hope powerful, anthology about my narcissistic chilchood trama and my recovery as well as my Huntington’s Disease diagnosis. The blurb and a poem excerpt are below.

Ebook Cover


There is nothing more terrifying than realizing there is no hope.

Overcoming a traumatizing childhood, abuse and toxic relationships to face a bright and successful future only to be diagnosed with Huntington’s disease is a cruel joke fate played.

This is Gail’s story delivered to you in a four-part heartwrenching series of poems, allowing you to see the world through her eyes.

Huntington’s disease is a cruel and hopeless disease without a cure. It affects not only the body and nervous system, degrading movement and learning, but as an added surprise, it’s genetic.

Watching her mother suffer with the horrible disease, Gail and her siblings suffered the abuse of her narcissistic, sadistically cruel father, a stepmother who may have been worse, and a toxic ex-boyfriend.

As horrific as this sounds, her story ends in hope, survival and inner peace.

Join Gail as she illuminates the darkness, finding her inner peace and rising above it all to eventually have a spiritual rebirth!
Please Be Advised (TW/CW), this book contains both sensitive and traumatic content.

Ice Cream Machine

Down a long, sterile hallway—
The white walls were mildly suffocating
But the ice cream machine of yesterday
Sat in the guest visiting rooms, a blessing.

Even though we couldn’t speak to her,
Even though she ate through a straw,
We shared with her a treat of sugar.
With my grandmother, we shared what we saw.

We showed her new photos of the family,
New additions to the band.
We told her of all the news, properly
From the life she no longer had in hand.

Ten years later, I had to move in my mother.
She was the same grace, in sickness
As her mother before her.
Now we shared the ice cream, and I shared my glimpses

Surely, in ten years, I will trade again.
It will be my turn to lose this life.
Will my husband share the ice cream? A tradition retained
As fate twists the knife?

With Huntington’s Disease, we are masters of death,
And so too are we the masters of life.
Though the agony of it can steal our breath,
We live each day with abandon, as befits this nonlife.

July 8: National Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day (SCUD)

“Annually on July 8, people across the country celebrate National Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day, also known as National SCUD Day.  This day was created as a day to put aside any and all of the drama in your life and learning more about working and living with humor and laughter and living in drama-free zones.  Today, step back and enjoy relaxation and humor and then watch the physical and mental benefits that you will receive from it.”

I like the idea of today, since we could all spend more time focused on the laughter and joy in our lives. Calvin and Hobbes were an innate part of my childhood and adulthood. They are beauty and perspective on the world together. If you haven’t read them, please go peruse them today. You won’t be disappointed. They would be perfect for your SCUD day, if you plan to participate!


My TBR for July, National Ice Cream Month

In honor of National Ice Cream Month, I have added some ice cream reads to be reading list, this month. However, closest to the top of this is the newest addition to K.F. Breene‘s, Installment 9 of her DDVN world. See my review of the first in the series here. This is one of my all-time favorite series, since I am such a Reagan fan. Read on to see the rest of my plans for this month.

1 Revealed in Fire (book #9) – K.F. Breene – Releases July 2nd, and this is all I will be doing once its in my kindle.

Good Reads

“Reagan’s trip down to the underworld was never going to remain a mystery. And now Lucifer is actively looking for the woman and her vampire cohort that raised hell in his domaine.

When a band of demons come to the surface with a note asking after Lucifer’s heir, the truth of Reagan’s true lineage can no longer be hidden.

The problem is, the elves remember Lucifer’s past heir, and how he nearly took down the Realm. This time, they do not intend to stand by while Lucifer finds his heir and raises her to power. This time, they’ll cut the problem out at the root.

Reagan went from a nobody in NOLA, to the most wanted woman in all the worlds. It’s time for her to own who and what she is. It’s time for her to fight back.”

2 – Never on a Sundae – by Wendy Markham, Lynn Messina, Daniella Brodsky

“It’s the best spot in Manhattan for a sinfully delicious ice cream sundae. And it’s where three young women come to soothe their troubles and treat themselves to a little taste of heaven. Lucky in friendship, not always so lucky in love, these women know that just a few spoonfuls of ice cream can sweeten everything from a date gone sour to a workday from hell. But before they can say “extra whipped cream,” they’re going to discover that there’s more to life than hot fudge-and that making their dreams come true is the real cherry on top”

3 – Say Yes Summer -Lindsey Roth Culli

For as long as Rachel Brooks can remember, she’s had capital-G Goals: straight As, academic scholarship, college of her dreams. And it’s all paid off–after years of following the rules and acing every exam, Rachel is graduating at the top of her class and ready to celebrate by . . . doing absolutely nothing. Because Rachel Brooks has spent most of high school saying no. No to dances, no to parties, and most especially, no to boys.

Now, for the first time in her life, there’s nothing stopping Rachel from having a little fun–nothing, that is, except herself. So when she stumbles on a beat up old self-help book–A SEASON OF YES!–a crazy idea pops into her head: What if she just said yes to . . . everything?”

4 – A Parfait Murder – Wendy Lyn Watson

“When Tally’s cousin Bree spots her deadbeat ex-husband strolling the Lantana County Fair with a fat wallet and a vixen on his arm, she immediately files for back child support. But when his lawyer is found dead, things get a little sticky. Did Bree serve up a dish of cold, sweet revenge? Or is she another hapless victim of a parfait crime?”

What’s on your TBR for July?

The Amazing Mars Rover Landing

I know that there are several sides to the equation when we discuss the Space Program in general and how they add to inhouse emissions. The scientist side of me feels it is imperative to continue to push our boundaries with space exploration while limiting emissions. NASA already stepped up to the plate with a recent launch occurring with a reused jet engine. The feat to land the Mars rover took incredible collaboration and courage and I am not surprised to see their latest rover setting new standards for analysis on a remote planet. I know I am late but still offering a congratulations and keep up the good work. See all the latest here.

Stolen from NASA’s website

Book Review – The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld 1) – by Gena Showalter

This was my first Gena Showalter book. I know I am in the minority of this opinion, but I couldn’t handle this book. Her characters were alight with the exception of Ashlyn, who was one of the most irritating female characters for me. The plot without the interference of the romance, was actually interesting and the only reason I actually made it the end. The plot with the romance was several romance tropes in one book, that really drug this down. I gave this book a 1/5.

**Spoilers Below**

I struggled to finish it, but since I paid for it, I felt required to just to see if magic happened, but alas, no magic! I really wanted to love the book, given the premise it is based on and the Pandora’s box aspect. The plot and characters made that impossible. Our hero, Maddox, was part of a regime of ancient god warriors that were jealous that Pandora was selected to guard a special box. This box held some of the worst monsters to walk the earth, and could not be kept, even in Hell. To punish them for not choosing them, they deceived Pandora and opened the box, freeing a wash of destruction on the earth. As punishment for their sins, they were forced to each house a demon from the box they opened in spurned pride. Then we meet Ashlyn, who (unbeknownst to her) works for a Hunter’s company and finds their fortress tucked into the hills. She plans to ask for help them for help with her ability to hear voices, and conversations from all points in time.

I struggled with both Maddox and Ashlyn instant need to bone as well as their declaration of ‘love’ after a few days of knowing each other. It seemed way to fast, even for the romance genre. With Ashlyn being a virgin as well, how would she even know what love is? Ashlynn made this very difficult to enjoy with her inability to be anything but a damsel in distress. I also had issues with the fact that Maddox fed Ashlynn Immortals version of alcohol, which obviously made her sick, and managed to fix it by giving her Tylenol? There were some other plot holes along this vein throughout.

I’m sorry I just couldn’t get into this and will not be continuing the series.

Book Review – Spinning Silver – Naomi Novik

A rewrite of Rumpelstiltskin, this is a great steady story to the end. I enjoyed Naomi’s writing style and the way she managed to layer many aspects of the story’s character’s together and still created a wonderfully cohesive story. It was published in 2018 as a stand alone novel, but I would welcome additional chapters into this universe. I gave this book an easy 5/5. This new version of the fairy tale includes a great battle between fire and ice, but the rest of the characters go through difficult and sometimes disturbing events to reach their happy ending.

** Alert, Spoilers Below **

Set in the world of Lithvas, with a medieval flavor of princess and princes, the story begins with Miryem and her father’s money lending business. Already impoverished, her mother soon becomes ill and creeps toward the edge of death, while her father remains incapable of collecting the full debt of his borrowers. Miryem decides she is done being poor and to procure medicine for her mother, she begin’s collecting her father’s debt for him.

She discovers she is good at it but holds the borrowers to their terms, forcing them to pay back their debts sometimes with non money items. Soon they have money for themselves and to fix the repair the house and Miryem discovers she is gifted and purchasing items from other locations and reselling them at a good price, or spinning Silver into Gold as the saying goes.

Meanwhile, while she is performing rounds on borrowers, one planter who can’t pay back his debt, she suggests his strong young daughter come to her house to perform chores and work off his debt. Wanda soon becomes irreplaceable addition to the household.

Miryem’s ability to create gold attracts the notice of the Staryk king who thrice brings her swaths of their magical silver, telling her if it isn’t transformed, he will turn her to ice or his queen if she succeeds. She takes the silver to a jeweler and they create first a ring, then a necklace and finally a crown. The Duke’s daughter, who is not especially beautiful, becomes breathtaking upon donning the trio of Staryk silver. All three times, she turns the silver to gold and he comes for her, ferreting her away to the magical ice kingdom of Staryk.

Meanwhile, Irina, Daughter of the Duke of Lithvas and the new owner of the trio of Staryk silver, soon becoming the wife of a Tsar, Tsarina herself. She has a great grandmother Staryk, which means the silver from their realm calls to her. Her new Tsar husband, Miryem, battled through life with a demon in tow. The demon of fire, intends to harvest her soul slowly and painfully. Her Staryk background and their silver, allows her to escape through mirrors and evade being in close quarters with the Tsar. She offers a bargain for the King Staryk’s soul instead of her own and her countrymen.

After a long battle between Staryk and the Fire lord, the Staryk becomes imprisoned within a silver chain and circle of candles from their realm. The Tsar intends to drain Staryk slowly and painfully ebb his life force away and demands to know his real name, which he refuses to relinquish. Killing the King Staryk, will stop the extended winter in Lithvas, but it will also kill the kingdom of Staryk, and everyone in it.

Miryem betrayed the Ice King and tried to kill him, but eventually realizes her mistake, and tries to free him from the silver chain’s imprisonment bonds. The fire lord catches her and injuries both of them heavily before they manage to escape into Lithvas. Miryem and her companions are forced to carry him to a special spot for crossing into the realm of Staryk. Before they can, the fire lord captures Irina again, and forces her to use her Staryk silver on a mirror to bring him into the realm, set to destroy the Kingdom of Ice.

The final twenty pages cover Miryem agreeing to help fight the fire lord, but on the condition that the extended winter must end upon Lithvas and that his people are not allowed on their side anymore. Riding a wild deer into holy frozen mountain only to find its frozen waterfall unleashed onto the people. Staryk and his people fight valiantly but are unable to overcome him. Miryem lures him into the mountain and changes silver to gold in an enclosed storeroom releasing the equivalent of sunlight on him, finally dispatching him.

The end is a happy one, where everyone gets who they want or need. I strongly recommend adding this to your reading list.

Book Review – The Witcher, The Last Wish

Despite that I am an avid video game player, I have not stepped into the Witcher Universe before last week. The coronavirus in full swing, I have been adding to my reading list and making progress through many on my list, and this was one of those. Overall, I gave this book a 4/5, and plan to finish the series in short order.

The Last Wish is 281 pages long, and that includes pages dedicated to the next book in the series, but they were so worth it. I have seen my fair share of negative reviews on this series but I do not understand them. The world Andre Sapkowski introduces immediately had me fixed and I finished the first book, well into the evening.

*Alert* Spoilers Below*

Geralt, our main character, is a ‘mutant’ of their world, designed to battle monsters of the realm.. This world includes everything from spriggas, to vampires, to bulbous oozes, which choose to inherit the dirtiest locations of town. Being a non-human, he is gifted with additional speed and strength over ordinary men but he consumes elixirs to heighten his hearing and reflexes even further, prior to battles or skirmishes. Close behind Geralt were Dandelion, a famous singing bard that, told many tales of Geralt and his many exploits over the years.

Early in this book, we discover that Geralt is somehow wounded, and slowly decaying according to his temple, healing friends, but there are many swaps backward and forward in time, telling his story until he meets his soul mate, Yennifer.

Yennefer and Geralt happen into each other after Dandelion and Geralt attempt to fish for their dinner. Accidentally, they fished up a type of Genie in a bottle that tried to kill Dandelion before he could make his wishes. On the edge of death, Dandelion is transported precariously to the next town, Rinde. Security at the entrance gates, tries to stop their passage until morning but seeing Dandelion’s condition, allow Geralt to leave him with them while he enters down and requests help from their local sorceress, Yennefer.

Yennefer, is a powerful sorceress, capable of lightning, and thunder and burning you to a clean crisp.She is not particularly, trustworthy, and seems more inclined to manipulate men to do her bidding, as opposed to actually loving caring for some one else, but she finally agrees to see to Dandelion’s condition.

She betrays Geralt, and he wakes up in a communal jail cell beneath the city. He is summoned before the local mayor about the same time Yennefer attempts to chain the genie to her will. Havoc ensues throughout the town as buildings are destroyed. Her magical spell bindings are not strong enough to truly bind him.After much toil between Yennefer and Geralt, he finally convinces her to abandon the binding and release the genie. A destroyed town blooms into their love for each other.

We do not find out why he is dying, but I hope it’s soon resolved next, in book 2. I look forward to the next 5-6 books in this world.