Autumnal Equinox September 22

Autumnal equinox(about September 22): day and night of equal length, marking the start of autumn. The first day of Fall! Yay! For some of us, Fall and Halloween are celebrated all year long. How will you get your fall on?

Summer’s End
The summer lark,
Stakes claim to a wooden pale,
And then night screams out its name,
As though it had never been. (GM)

Gail Marie Photo

New Year’s Resolutions Anyone?

Well, here we are again at the beginning of January with the winter wonderland around us. It’s that time of year again, to review our goals or resolutions and see how well we did last year. I am one of those people who prefers to call them goals instead of resolutions. I feel like I do better with them if I keep them in that mindset.

My goals were to read and write more than I did in 2019. I apologize if yours were based more in reality and the pandemic special of 2020, wreaked havoc on many of those types of goals, I am sure.

Reading is an easy one to measure since I have been religiously tracking my reading habits on Goodreads since I finally made an account there. (Profile is:, if you want to add me). My books read in 2019 was a sad, 16 with many from the same author. I managed a respectable 55 this year from a much wider genre base. This year, I am planning to up this to 60 and hope I can squeeze in a few more. There are so many great books out there I am looking forward to.

Writing is harder to measure and requires me to be honest with myself about my goals. With the COVID pandemic forcing us into quarantine early this year, I did manage to create a quiet second space I can lock myself into with only Wattpad and my google docs to keep me focused on my writing. I won’t deny I have issues procrastinating and they usually involve wasting unnecessary time on Twitter and Pinterest. So for 2021, I want to write more but also more predictably. The goal is always everyday, so I will work towards that.

How did your goals for this year go? Were they writing or reading related?

Happy New Year 2020 (Somehow)

Somehow, we made it this far, after the chaos that was 2020. First, the pandemic hit the US in February and forced most of us into lockdowns by mid-March, while most recently, we watched Trump deny the legal declaration that he was no longer president. The sheer weight of 2020s history, will make it difficult for future generations to ever, completely comprehend it.

All Images courtesy of Pixababy.

There are many sites posting the full year of ‘most unexpected’ events of 2020, ( or ( though there are several out there.) Each contain unique takes on 2020, and the news stories they felt were the most important. I will follow up on the items I felt more strongly, than the rest. Not to imply any of these more important than the other but, for whatever my thoughts count for these days.

1 Death of Chadwick Boseman and BLM.

For someone who is not black but appreciates black culture, I feel like Chad and BLM go hand in hand. He was the epitome of beauty and grace in life and death. Black Panther was a testament to his spirit and I, personally, loved every minutes of it. Losing him, we lost part of our soul as a human race. He was also a constant statement to BLM and bringing equality to Hollywood as a whole. I was excited to see our country come together to demand change. I also really hope the dialogue continues into 2022. (Source:

2 – Australia faced devastating fires, then California joined them later

This was hard to watch this year and our heart heart for the destructive path, fire left behind.

We live within the typical higher snow area, and the current snow situation has me concerned for this year, as well. Unless we get dumped on in early 2021, we will all be in the same situation, with little snow runoff, and our years of willful denial of Science and pollution will create our just desserts. This one of many years, I am embarrassed to be American, since we reuse to acknowledge science.

3- Trump teargassed peaceful protesters, journalists, priests, and bystanders for a photo op with a bible.

This was, to me, the saddest example of Trump’s ignorance of how the American Justice System is meant to work. We complain about this exact thing when it happens in other countries but no one that could, held him responsible.

4 – People honest-to-god believed in a baseless conspiracy theory about Wayfair sex trafficking children through cabinets

Really? It was 2020 after all, and at least some of us were stuck inside and bored with our lockdowns. I have no words to express the epitome of ignorant that gave this any traction at all. Most days of the last 4 years, I have been embarrassed by Trump to claim I am American. Items like this obvious ignorance and unwillingness to accept reason, will always wear on my faith in us a nation.

5 – President Trump was first impeached and then, acquitted.

Another instance of wishing I could melt into a tree…There were sooooo many in his last four years.

6 – Discovered water on the moon and life on Mars.

Since I couldn’t do a list with only Trump embarrassment moments…This is also very exciting for all of us patiently waiting for flying cars and that premier hotel thing on the moon. Good job, guys!

7 – Macaulay Culkin turned 40. Because we all needed something to laugh about right?

Ha, ha, ha, sigh, OK I feel old. Really old.

8 – I really wanted more than 7, but some long works days cut into giving this post everything I wanted it to be.

Nonsense, nonsense, nonsense. Lol.

Wishing you all, a wonderful Happy New Year. May it be full of love.