July 8: National Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day (SCUD)

“Annually on July 8, people across the country celebrate National Savor the Comic, Unplug the Drama Day, also known as National SCUD Day.  This day was created as a day to put aside any and all of the drama in your life and learning more about working and living with humor and laughter and living in drama-free zones.  Today, step back and enjoy relaxation and humor and then watch the physical and mental benefits that you will receive from it.”

I like the idea of today, since we could all spend more time focused on the laughter and joy in our lives. Calvin and Hobbes were an innate part of my childhood and adulthood. They are beauty and perspective on the world together. If you haven’t read them, please go peruse them today. You won’t be disappointed. They would be perfect for your SCUD day, if you plan to participate!
