Book Review – Ace of Shades (The Shadow Game 1) by Amanda Foody

Checked out with my kindle unlimited membership to try this high fantasy tale by Amanda Foody. Enne Salta is forced to follow clues of her mother to the city of New Reynes after she goes missing. Raised a lady, Enne is not prepared for the debauchery that coats her new location. Her mother’s note connects her with Levi Glaisyer as a possible ally but what she finds is the kids here surviving on the street. Together they set out to find her mother, even though Levi suspects she’s already dead. I liked this world and the plot. The pacing is swift, and her characters were well developed. Foody created good suspense between the ending of this book and the foreshadowing for the next book. This was a good book so I’m not sure why I feel like something was missing and I’m not sure I’m going to read the next one. (3/5 rating)