Word of the Week – Sept 27 – Goetic

Here is my’word of the week’, to learn new words and give myself writing prompt opportunities This week is ‘Goetic’.

Complicit Coven

Tendrils of her fire wafted through the tree limbs,
But this goetic magic won’t set them alight.
Tucked deep in the forest to uncover their schemes,
Her travel pouch glittered in the starlight.

She was sure one of her coven was false,
She could feel the spidery lines of a curse on her skin,
And prayed it was only one and not a full blown cabal,
This spell would make it certain.

She released purple leaves and rose dust into the embers,
The red flames scorched away by a black wave,
A viscous wave climbed along her skin, to her shoulders,
The wave exploded into dust and her world was clave.

The imprint on her skin was the confirmation,
Her sister had betrayed her to become their Priestess.
Destroying what was left of their shared extraction,
In her broken heart she knew she should justice,

This deception will be the last grievance,
She will have her vengeance…

Book Review – Three Mages and a Margarita (The Guild Codex Spellbound Book 1) – by Annette Marie

This is my first Annette Marie book. This is set in an urban fantasy world. The MC stumbles into an unknown world of magic. This was a delightful read with great supporting character. I advise you to give this story a shot. This was the first book of the series and I plan to add the 2nd to me TBR. I gave this a 3/5 rating.

**Spoiler Alert**

Our main character, Tori, first gets fired from her job as a waitress. Upon job searching for a new one, she finds the Crow and Hammer establishment. In it, she discovers the hidden world by accident. On top of that, the Crow and Hammer is considered guild headquarters for them. Even though she isn’t supposed to be working for them as a human, they give her a temporary period to begin until proper paperwork for her employment can begin.

Her shifts as a human bartender must be supervised by a trio of mages, Aaron, Ezra and Kai. One of the nights Aaron walks her home after her shift, a squad of rogue guild members attempt to abduct Aaron for ransom from his rich family. Tori rushes into the melee with an umbrella and manages to rescue Aaron until help can arrive. Amidst betrayal within their own guild ranks, and open hostility from guild members who don’t want her there, they have to keep an eye on each other. Loyalty to each other is all that matters.

I loved reading about Tori. Despite her human status, she had some fighting training and never backed down when it mattered. Even when she was handily overmatched. On to book 2!