Book Review – The Stalking Dead (Gang of Ghouls 1) by Eva Chase

Checked out with kindle unlimited, February 2023. This was my second book by Eva Chase, and the first book in an intriguing ghost series. Lily is a new college student after being held in mental ward for 7 years. She can’t remember what she did in her youth to get landed there. The arrival of ghosts from her past (pun intended) have her questioning her hard won sanity. The premise of this sounded good, but the execution of that idea left a lot to be desired for me. The plot and atmosphere were all right but not what I was expecting for a ghost story. Some of the bullying situations were a bit too extreme to be believable and the MC’s reactions were a frustrating mess. I did enjoy some of our antiheroes and their ability to scheme, even as ghosts. I struggled to rate this book since this was an obvious (it’s me, not you) situation. I’m glad other people could enjoy it; this just wasn’t for me. (2/5 rating)