Book Review – The Dawnhounds (Haven Realm Chronicles 1) by Sascha Stronach

This was my first book by Sascha Stronach, and I received this copy for free for an honest review. This story follows Yat Jyn-Hok as she performs her duties of a local policeman. She has been demoted to the night shift for the knowledge that she is gay. After she is murdered by members of her own police force, her body is resurrected, and she must wade through the tangents of old ancient magic and new betrayals. This was a cerebral read with high tech magic machines, intricate magic system, and a twisted plot of corruption that not everyone will enjoy. It was fun to learn the world’s layered history and politics through Yat’s eyes. I liked her supporting characters and the pirate angle of the story. If you decide to give this a try, just be warned that it will require more mental effort than usual on your part. (3/5 rating)