Book Review – Don’t Rush Me (Nora Jacobs 1) by Jackie May

Checked out with my KU first to try Jackie May as an author. This urban fantasy romance is set in Detroit. Nora is an orphan who has survived this violent city, though not without her vivid scars. Nora is a special human with abilities of the psychic sense. After Underworlders start to go missing, she’s embroiled within a dangerous magical world as the only one who can bring the missing home. I loved this story and Nora as the female main character. She was strong after overcoming some truly despicable actions of others. I know other people were upset with how slow burn the romance angle was, but after getting to understand Nora as a person I think it’s the only scenario that really made sense. This broke my latest reading slump and gave me a new series to obsess over. I just recommend an open mind if you give this a try. (5/5 rating)