Book Review – Dark Prince (Dark 1) by Christine Feehan

This was my first novel by Christine Feehan. This urban fantasy, vampire romance set in the Carpathian Mountains of Romania. Mikhail Dubrinsky is a Prince of the Carpathian race. He discovers his life mate, Raven Whitney from the US, when she travels to Romania to escape her recent work tracking serial killers. The premise of this was promising and I really wanted to love it, but there were way too many issues with this mess. I found it hard to connect with Raven since she seemed to make the worst possible decisions. I also wanted to love Mikhail, and there were some good parts, but his treatment of Raven in their first few interactions were out of line. I’m surprised I made it to the end and pissed at myself more than the first book before reading this. I’m glad other people enjoyed this, but this wasn’t for me. (2/5 rating)


Book Review – Rosette (The Infinit Universe 1) Daniel M. Ross

This was my first book by Daniel M. Ross, and I received this copy for free for an honest review. This story was a science fiction and time travel book that began within the city of Babylon in the year 2171. Xavier is our main character set within the city to recover his wife while protecting his daughter from the enemies that have taken root. This was presented in a script reading format that I didn’t particularly enjoy. The main plot line felt very repetitive after nearly 350 pages. This format made it difficult for me to connect with the characters of this world. I’m sorry but this novel just wasn’t for me. (2/5 rating)

Book Review – The Wife Before by Shanora Williams

This was my first novel by Shanora Williams. I received this book free from the author for an honest review. This story begins with our female MC Samira Wilder. Samira has always struggled to keep jobs and pay the rent because she refuses to waste her life away the same way their mother did. In a bind for money, she takes a one-night celebrity serving event where she meets pro golfer, Roland Graham. They fall up for each hard, celebrate a quick engagement, before she moves into his Colorado mansion. Soon, she discovers an abandoned shed of his deceased wife that Roland hasn’t entered since her death. Samira offers to clean it out and repurpose it, but the secrets she uncovers could undo her new happy life.
Alert: Spoilers below.
I struggled with my rating for this book. While the ending was nothing I could have predicted, I struggled to get there with Samira as the main character. While I can sympathize that the American work system is broken, Samira seemed to have unrealistic expectations of when her brother should be helping her out. She had no problems asking for money while at the same time complaining that he worked too much and would follow their mother’s footsteps. I could not connect with her as a character and Melanie and Dylan were truly monstrous. Roland was the only redeeming part of this story. I’m glad other people were able to enjoy this, but unfortunately, I wasn’t one of them. (2/5 rating)