October 4 – World Day of Bullying Prevention

“The first Monday of every October is World Day of Bullying Prevention™! On this day students, schools, and communities all over the world go BLUE together against bullying. It also kicks off National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month every October.”

I love this cause and what it stands for, bullying prevention. It would be a wonderful thing is we all learned how to be tolerant of each other, right? Can you imagine that world? It is a beautiful place. When I was in high school, my sick mother would come with us to the grocery store. Even know I have a huge chip on my shoulder for the act of bullying and the snap second judgement of our fellow humans, that comes with it. My mother couldn’t walk or talk well near the end of her fight with HD, and she was confined to the house most days, unable to drive herself. The amount of impatience and general hostility for bringing her with us was hard to watch, until I started enlightening people. These trips were once a month and her only chance at the old routine she had before being sick. I am always disappointed when I see this but I know we can do better. Some where in there is the capacity to have compassion for our fellow humans, instead of judgement.