Remembering 9/11…

I still can’t believe it has been twenty years since that fateful day. I was still in junir high in 2001. Social studies was my first period, and she already had the TV on so we could watch the updates. Something so large is always hard to put into words. Something so hateful.

When I got into the UW engineering program, my steel professor, a Dr. Barker, regaled us again of tales of that day. He was in the emergency FEMA group that was on the ground with responder’s finding the safest routes through the wreckage. We also spent our time in discussions on what part of the structure failed first, and how. It seems debris wiped away the firproofing layer of many of the steel layers, leading to the collapse of the towers.

I have had a soft spot for these twin towers. I was glad to see the memorial put in, I thought, turned out well. If you are grieving lost loved ones, or American forces that perished in the war, or just a country that would never be the same, my heart is with you.
