Book Review – Uncharted – by Alli Temple

This was my first Alli Temple book. Her work in Uncharted was a good assortment of adventure, with Kings and Queens and Pirate ships. The plot was well executed and the characters were well developed and progressed nicely. I never felt like the pace was too fast or too slow. The dialogue between characters felt in line with their character. I gave this book a 3/5 star rating. It’s worth adding to your TBR.

**Spoiler Alert**

We meet our main character, Georgina as part of a resistance group against the current King and Prince of Redmere. Shortly after. the prince declares he will marry her and recalls her to the castle. She is gifted a maid, Rosie and a new wardrobe while she has a mere seven days to prepare for the wedding. Unfortunately, she uncovers her new ‘husband’ plans to kill her shortly after marrying her. Fortunately, before the wedding can commence, she is abducted by pirates.

Among the seas she is taken to the ship of a fearsome Pirate Captain, Cinder. She soon discovers Cinder to be none other than a childhood friend that she had assumed died at sea many years ago. But it is difficult to reconcile the new harsh beauty and her childhood friend, within the same woman. A beautiful love story between Cinder and Georgina emerges amidst the chaos to survive the unbendable prince from reclaiming his bride.