Book Review – The Concrete Vineyard By Cam Lang

This is Cam Lang’s debut novel, and I must say it’s a beauty. A murder mystery set in rural Canada that also tackles one of his passions: urban planning. This also won a gold metal from Reader’s Favorite Book Contest, in FICTION – MYSTERY – SLEUTH. I gave this book an easy 5 out of 5 stars. This kept me guessing until the end and it should be on your ‘to read’ list.

The tale begins in present day Niagara Fallls, Canada. An elderly retired, history professor is killed in his home. One of his ex-students that is now on the Ontario police force, is called in to investigate the murder, Bryan Dee. One of Bryan’s longtime friends, Gage, is home for th month to help his parents move and agrees to help him.

The most obiious suspect, at first, is the last person that saw him alive – the realtor. As suspicions play out, Gage’s experience as a city planner becomes key to unraveling the mystery. With my ciivil/structural engineering degrees, I loved getting to see those small details become important. Smalll details that normal people just aren’t trained to notice.

The plot was a wonderfl quagmire of rotating suspects as more evidence became available. New deaths and old deaths roll around to create mayhem. I won’t ruin the end for you though, you need to read it! You won’t regret it.